Marketing for your personality type - by HIYA MARIANNE

When I say the word ‘marketing’, what feelings rise up in you? Unless you’re in a very small minority, your first reaction might oscillate from awkwardness to overwhelm, right? As photographers, our passion lies in creating stunning visuals, but when it comes to marketing our work and business, many of us develop a sudden aversion. In this article, I want to delve into the reasons behind this reaction and explore ways to overcome it, empowering you to effectively promote your craft and grow your businesses in a way that is aligned with your personality type.

Many of us feel uneasy about drawing attention to ourselves and our work, as we worry about appearing boastful or arrogant. It’s crucial to recognise that marketing isn’t about bragging but rather communicating the huge value of your offerings.

Some of us avoid marketing due to lack of knowledge and understanding of effective strategies. Photography education mostly focuses on technical skills, leaving little room for marketing and business training. This knowledge gap can lead to uncertainty and frustration, causing photographers to feel overwhelmed and avoid marketing efforts altogether.

At their core, photographers are artists who are motivated by a need to create and convey their unique perspective. The business aspect of operating as a working photographer can be viewed as a challenge to artistic authenticity. This apparent clash between creative expression and financial gain can lead to reluctance towards advertising, as we may feel hesitant about sacrificing our artistic freedom or compromising our values.

Some photographers who are not familiar with digital marketing platforms and strategies can feel overwhelmed by their rapid evolution. Social media, search engine optimisation, content creation, and online advertising can seem like unfamiliar territory. Navigating the learning curve associated with the digital landscape can contribute to a photographer’s aversion to marketing.


When you hear other photographers talk about their email campaigns, Pinterest queues, Instagram lives, or Tik Tok schedules, do you feel slightly overwhelmed? It can all seems like too much to stay on top of! I’m here to tell you that you are allowed to give yourself a break. You absolutely do not have to be doing ALL of it. All that is required of you, is to figure out what are the most authentic marketing efforts for you, and then lean into those. Discovering marketing methods that align with your personality and values is a real game-changer and the only way to cut through the overwhelm.

Our unique personalities shape our perspectives, creative processes, and the way we connect with clients. By aligning our marketing efforts with our personality types, we can showcase our authentic selves, attract the right audience, and build meaningful connections. Let’s explore different personality types and how to choose marketing strategies that resonate with each type.

At a basic level, people are generally categorised into two main types: introverts and extroverts. Broadly speaking, extroverts feel most aligned with themselves when interacting directly with others, while introverts prefer more behind-the-scenes roles.

The extroverted photographer:

If you thrive on social interactions and networking, leverage your extroverted nature by focusing on strategies that involve personal connections. You will be at home talking directly to your audience through stories or lives and making the most of the extraordinary social video tools you have at your disposal right now, such as YouTube or TikTok. You’ll also be right at home at networking events and meetups that will create important connections.

The Introverted Photographer:

For introverted photographers who prefer a quieter and more introspective approach, content creation can be a powerful marketing avenue. Embrace blogging, behind-the-scenes materials, or creating tutorials to share your knowledge and unique insights. Utilise social media platforms like Instagram or Pinterest to curate a visually stunning portfolio and engage with your audience on your own terms. You might also find that direct pitching is easier for you, as it means concentrating on one prospect at a time, instead of speaking to a whole ‘audience’ at once.

While your main personality type may fall on the side of introversion or extroversion – sometimes even a little bit of both depending on the person – there are other aspects to your personality that will help you identify what specific marketing methods might sit most comfortably with you. Let’s dig a little bit deeper at few of the types I see most often when interacting with other photographers.

The Analytical Photographer:

If you have a penchant for data and analysis, focus on marketing efforts that involve tracking metrics and measuring the impact of your strategies. Implement search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques to optimise your website and increase your online visibility. Utilise analytics tools to monitor website traffic, conversion rates, and audience demographics to refine your marketing approach continuously. You might also enjoy clearly trackable email marketing to stay connected with your audience and showcase your latest work or special offers.

The Visual Thinker:

For photographers who thrive on innovative and artistic expression, explore unconventional marketing strategies that showcase your unique vision. Consider collaborations with other artists or brands to create captivating content (check my past article on test shoots). Visual thinkers generally enjoy using visually-driven platforms like Instagram or Pinterest to showcase their work and inspire potential clients.

The Adventurous Photographer:

Adventurous types might enjoy taking a more unconventional approach to marketing in order to stand out and attract attention. Experiment with guerrilla marketing techniques such as interactive installations, street art collaborations, photo flash mobs, live photoshoots, or immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression on your audience. With platforms such as TikTok, you’ll be able to leverage these experiences to a wider audience.

The Relationship Builder:

Authenticity-focused types will want to prioritise building relationships with their clients and creating personalised, tailored experiences to stand out in a crowded market. If building strong relationships is your strength, prioritise networking and personal referrals as your primary marketing channels. Attend industry events, join local business organisations, and establish partnerships with complementary businesses. Invest time in nurturing relationships with existing clients, as they can become loyal advocates who refer you to their networks. Collaborative types might enjoy partnering with other businesses or influencers to co-create content and expand their reach.

The Storyteller:

For photographers who excel in storytelling, focus on content marketing as a core strategy. Share compelling narratives through blog posts, LinkedIn, articles, or photo essays. Utilise storytelling techniques in your social media captions to engage your audience on an emotional level. Emphasise the unique stories behind your photographs and the experiences you provide for your clients.


You’ll probably find yourself pulled towards more than one type and you’ll instantly recognise the methods that are NOT right for you. For example, I’m an introvert and a visual thinker who’s most at home with visual platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest, combined with the analytical as I’m very passionate about SEO, which ties neatly into Pinterest marketing. I am NOT built for talking on stories daily, attending networking events, or going live, so I don’t let the fact that I am not doing those things stress me out.

It’s important to experiment and find out what works best for you and your business. Choosing marketing efforts that align with your personality type allows you to genuinely connect with your audience and attract clients who appreciate your unique approach. Experiment with different strategies, track your results and adapt your approach as needed. By staying true to yourself and leveraging your strengths, you can build an authentic brand that stands out in the competitive photography industry. The trick to overcoming marketing overwhelm is to find your favourite methods and let go of the thought of having to do it all. Concentrating on 1-3 methods that truly work for you is much more impactful than trying to stay on top of all the different avenues.

Marketing is not antithetical to artistic integrity; it is a means to amplify your creative voice and reach a broader audience. By understanding the reasons behind our aversion to marketing and actively addressing them, we can embrace effective marketing strategies and elevate our businesses. Remember, marketing is an opportunity to share your passion, connect with your ideal clients, and build a sustainable photography career. Embrace it as a powerful tool to showcase your work and make a lasting impact in the industry.





A version of this column was originally published in Professional Photo magazine issue 209.